We (Human) are the "Best" product of God Creation, each of us have a different type of eyes, nose, etc... Even if we are twins... But the greatest secret in our body is our HAND...
Why God give us different finger print or different palm on each of us....
This is The Answer :
The answer is "The Handkey Machine"
Oh My God... Alhamdulillah... This Machine can make me wake up earlier every morning , make me a better person in the future, amin...
My Next Question is : "Do we need this Handkey Machine in Gorontalo???"
C'mon Man... Gorontalo??? Hehehehehehe....
Alhamdulillah....besok dah masuk 8 minggu....semoga slalu sehat ya Allah...
15 tahun yang lalu
hahahaha... Alhamduliilah khusus diruangan aku ga pake alat ini ya, jadi klo lg pingin dateng siang ya monggo... klo di gorontalo pake alat ini hmmmmm.... kecian, pulangnya dah tengah mlm , eeeh pagi2 dah mesti absen lagi hehehe, tp klo bis absen bisa cabut bobo lg ya lumayan lah hehehehe....
BalasHapusSemoga Alat ini bisa membawa berkah bagi Seluruh Pegawai KPPN Gorontalo...Amin...
Ayo Kawan-kawan...Datang jam stgh8,atau...
TC dipotong, hahahahahaha...
ya ampunnn baru akan dipasang alat nyah?? ck..ck..
BalasHapusSebenernya yah, capek juga pake alat githu...
BalasHapuskita yg di Jakarta aja jadi kaya orang Pabrikan. Kalo pagi lari buru-buru ngejar absen..jam lima turun (coz gw di Lt. 18) buat absen pulang.